Call Today (209)676-7670



Light Commercial
Most employees spend nearly as much time at work as they do at their home. That's why it is imperative to keep the office environment as comfortable and productive as possible. The two variables most critical for employee comfort and satisfaction is Temperature and Humidity. That's where Best Choice Heating and Air comes in. Our commercial solutions can handle all sizes of space, all the while ensuring that you enjoy the best possible service for the money.


As much as half of the energy used in your home goes to heating and cooling. So making smart decisions about your home's heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) system can have a big effect on your utility bills — and your comfort.


After a furnace or air-conditioning unit has been installed, or on existing equipment, our technicians can perform routine maintenance and repair work to keep the systems operating efficiently. We may adjust burners and blowers and check for leaks. If the system is not operating properly, our technicians can check the thermostat, burner nozzles, controls, or other parts to diagnose and correct the problem. Our technicians also maintain heat pumps, which are similar to air conditioners but can be reversed so that they both heat and cool a home. Because they run both in summer and winter, these systems often require additional maintenance.

Our technicians repair residential and light commercial heating and air conditioning equipment. We follow design specifications, and manufacturers' instructions to repair motors, compressors, condensing units, evaporators, piping, and other components. We test the ductwork, refrigerant lines, and electrical power source. After making the repairs, our technicians check for proper operation, leaks and program control systems. Our technicians conserve the refrigerant by making sure that there are no leaks in the system; we recover it by venting the refrigerant into proper cylinders; we recycle it for reuse with special filter-dryers; or we ensure that the refrigerant is properly disposed of.

Contact Information:

Phone (209) 676-7670

Fax (209) 394-6100

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